often and oftenの例文


  1. Since the baby is held up close to the mother, the baby will be able to be nursed more often and often for longer intervals.
  2. Kipling remembers, " Often and often afterwards, the beloved Aunt would ask me why I had never told any one how I was being treated.
  3. Drbalaji ended the discussion with saying both he and ganesh used the same computers often and often met in person, and noted that chocolateboy and Johnleemk seemed to have a better future in investigative journalism than in building Wikipedia, and in reply to ganesh, that he had already expressed his " valuable opinion " on those " self-styled kings ".
  4. I have said he, often and often in the course of the Session, and the vicissitudes of my hopes and fears as to its issue, looked at that behind the President without being able to tell whether it was rising or setting : But now at length I have the happiness to know that it is a rising and not a setting Sun.
  5. Again when Diwanji was in distress, Swamiji wrote to him from Bombay 22 May 1893 " Often and often we see that the very best of men are even troubled and visited with tribulations in this world, it may be inexplicable but it is also the experience of my life that the heart and core of every thing here is good, that whatever may be the surface of waves, deep down and underlying every thing there is an infinite basis of goodness and love and so long as we do not reach that basis we are troubled but once reached that zone of calmness, let winds howl and tempest rage, the house which is built upon the rock of ages cannot shake.


  1. "oftedahl"の例文
  2. "oftedal"の例文
  3. "oftel"の例文
  4. "often"の例文
  5. "often an orphan"の例文
  6. "often as"の例文
  7. "often as not"の例文
  8. "often changing"の例文
  9. "often cross-pollinated crop"の例文
  10. "often enough"の例文
  11. "often"の例文
  12. "often an orphan"の例文
  13. "often as"の例文
  14. "often as not"の例文

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